We are delighted to report that our annual English Book Fair, held on November 9th and 10th, was a resounding success! The event, organized on our school campus, saw an enthusiastic participation from both students and teachers, all eager to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of literature.

The English Book Fair offered an incredible array of books, catering to diverse tastes and interests. From gripping thrillers and inspiring biographies to classic literature and insightful academic texts, there was something for everyone. The Fair was not only an opportunity to purchase books, but also a platform to explore new genres, authors, and ideas.

We are immensely grateful to the English Department, whose efforts in arranging for their classes to visit the Fair played a significant role in the event’s success. The students were able to experience a large-scale book fair right here on our campus, an opportunity that allowed them to discover and engage with new books that they might not otherwise encounter.

The response from our school community was overwhelmingly positive. Students and teachers alike embraced the event with enthusiasm, purchasing books, participating in book-related games, and engaging in lively discussions about their favorite authors and stories. It was heartening to see the joy that the event brought to our school, sparking a love for reading and highlighting the important role that books plays in our learning journey.

We believe that reading broadens horizons, feeds imaginations, and opens minds to new ideas and perspectives. The English Book Fair 2023 was a testament to this belief, and we hope it has inspired our students to make reading an integral part of their lives.

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the English Book Fair 2023 a memorable event. We look forward to seeing you all again at the next Book Fair!

TL Library