Following the Final Exam on June 23, S4 students took part in the Mini Olympic, which was co-organized by Master Adventure. The activity’s purpose is to help students develop team spirit, communication skills, and teamwork abilities, in addition to allowing them to stretch and relax after exams.

Students accepted a variety of challenges and put their teamwork skills to the test throughout the three-hour session. When confronted with challenges and failures, instructors taught students to ponder, rethink, restructure, and continue in their efforts to overcome them. Students worked together to achieve their goals, which gave them a sense of achievement and enhanced their self-esteem.

中四級同學在下學期考試後參與由MasterAdventure公司協辦的Mini Olypmic。除了讓同學在考試後舒展筋骨,放鬆身心外,活動的目的乃讓同學建立團隊精神,學習溝通技巧,培養協作能力。同學在三小時的活動內,接受多項挑戰,充分發揮團隊協作能力,當中遇到困難丶失敗,導師循循善誘,引導同學反思丶檢討,重整策略,再接再厲,勇闖難關。同學能合力達成目標,得到莫大的成功感,大大建立自信心。