Girl Guides Christmas Party

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Reflection on Girl Guides Christmas Party

Time flies since we’ve had numerous fun-filled gatherings of the 97th Girl Guides. My first year in this delightful family wrapped up with our long-awaited Christmas celebration in the early December of 2021.

Our celebration began with a wide variety of thrilling games designed and hosted by our student committee. We started off with a warm-up game which tested our balance and stamina by standing on one leg while forming a triangle with both hands put on the top of our heads. When we saw each other posing as a funny-looking Christmas tree, all of us had a broad smile. During the second half of the required 5 minutes, some of us started to lose our balance and wobbled. The other teammates instantly showed their support by giving us warm smiles and lovely winks. Under our strong team spirit and close bonding, the whole 97th Girl Guides passed the first task hand in hand.

Our laughter did not stop at this bright moment. We carried on with our second highlight, a friendly competition which aimed to burst the opposite team’s balloons that were tied with their ankles while keeping ours safe. As the timer rang, the whole room was filled with running tread at a glance, no matter chasing or escaping, mingling with a loud bang from the bursts of balloons. It was a pity that my balloon bursted in a flash. Nonetheless, I was not out of the competition as our patrol agreed with a tactic that those teammates whose balloons bursted could stay in the game and protect the rest of our team’s balloons. After 15 minutes of chasing and fleeing, it came to the most awaited part of announcing the competition’s results. Though we didn’t win the game, we still felt satisfied for our endeavours in racking our brains to think of strategies, running at the fastest speed during the friendly competition, and the strengthened companionship as a result.

Finally, we came to our last activity in the game session. Each patrol needed to assign three representatives to participate in it and I became one of them with pleasure. We fastened a tissue box containing five Ping-Pong balls to our belt and jumped up and down with great effort, in order to shake them out as fast as we could. When I thought that I had already finished the task and began to remove the tissue box from my belt, I discovered that there was still a ball hidden in the corner of the box. I looked at my patrol and they cheered harder and louder. The other two of my teammates who were still busy struggling with the balls gave me a quick, approving wink as well. We soon returned to our patrol under our fellow teammates’ claps and cheers. Through this little game, the spirit of teamwork and mutual cooperation of the 97th Girl Guides were fully on display!

“Christmas is a time to love”, not only limited to the internal 97th Girl Guides but similarly for those families who urgently need support. Besides expressing our heartfelt gratitude to our guides and fellow teammates at the lucky-draw and Secret Santa session, we also took this opportunity to spread our joy of  Christmas with the needy. As a support to the Green-Christmas campaign, we filled the gift boxes with second-hand books, toys, stationeries and accessories which were no longer useful to us but still clean and of high-quality, together with unique Christmas cards designed by ourselves. The meaningful drawings conveyed our wish of adding coziness and laughter to the Christmas of the underprivileged in our society, and our wish materialized in the end. From their satisfied, sweet smiles and merrily sparkled eyes with joyous excitement in the photos, I can see that they loved our special Christmas gifts wholeheartedly, not only about their value but also our invaluable cozy blessings together with the message that they’re cared and valued. When I was looking at the lovely photos, I felt a shiver down my spine, gratified by their happiness. From the pleasure it gave me, I feel responsible for sharing what I boast with more people who are not so fortunate as me, which is included in the “Services” column of the Four Sign Post and Eight Point Programme of Girl Guides. The invaluable gratification and the fruitful experience of being a Secret Santa of others demonstrated that lending helping hands is in our favour. All of the members in the 97th Girl Guides are eagerly awaiting our next service in the near future!

We believe that coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is the key  to success.

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