True Light 150th Anniversary Life Planning Sharing Day on October 23

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In order to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of True Light and to provide our students with an invaluable opportunity to interact with and learn from the alumnae of the four True Light schools who are leaders and experts in their respective fields and disciplines, our S5 students, together with the other S5 students from Hong Kong True Light College, Kowloon True Light School and True Light Girls’ College, attended the Sharing Day from 0900 to 1200 on October 23, 2021 (Saturday) at TLMSHK.

During the sharing sessions run by the 25 TL alumnae, not only did our participants get to know more about the actual work environment as well as the specific skills, knowledge and qualifications required, but they also came to realise and understand the importance of work ethics and their social responsibility. Many were also inspired to (re-)consider careers that would closely match their skills, interest, and work values.

Below are some reflections from our students:

“I definitely enjoyed the Day. Kickstarting the parallel session with an interactive discussion, Carmen (the guest speaker) immediately unraveled some startling facts about the finance industry, and everyone was mesmerized by her stories on how she rolled with punches amidst failures and setbacks. She as well selflessly poured out several down-to-earth techniques that paved the way to her success and emphasized the power of being inquisitive and flexible in the workplace. Alongside the advice, a myriad of forward-thinking ideas, such as work-life integration, also inspired me and this was undoubtedly an invaluable experience to get a taster of the business world.” – S5D Patsy Wong

“It’s interesting to realise that a career in human resources is not only about hiring people but also about holding activities for the benefits of all staff in a company. I truly appreciate our alumnus who spreads her passion by starting an organization to provide counselling services to those in need in the community. She stressed, “Attitude is always more important than ability”. I hope my future career will always be what I am enthusiastic about, and I can strive to help people around me with the mission of being “the Light of the World”, just like what our alumnus has been doing!” – S5C Wong Huen Man

“The guest speaker shared her job as an air traffic controller. It was eye-opening as I knew very little about the aviation industry. However, what inspired me the most is that not only is she now an air traffic controller, but she is also a startup entrepreneur. It’s true that her life has been very busy, and she has a lot on her plate; however, she told us that she enjoys it as it’s never exhausting when one is doing what he/she loves. It’s really cool, and this has also motivated me to find my own passion and hopefully, turn it into my future career.” – S5D Siu Ho Yuet

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