Sustainable Dreams: A Journey Through the Entrepreneur Camp 2024 in the Netherlands

The Sustainable Entrepreneur Camp 2024 in the Netherlands was a transformative journey from July 26 to August 9, 2024.  Each day was an adventure, from Farm Day at a cow farm near Deventer and a regenerative farm near Nijmegen, to Green Outdoor Day in the Veluwe forest, and Sustainable Food Day at Chocolatemakers and Wilder Land.  Sustainable Fashion Day was highlighted by ‘me-boards’ at Wear Shoes and preloved stores.  Model UN Day at Utrecht University and UN 17 SDGs Day at ASN Bank and the One Planet exposition were particularly enlightening.  The Camp culminated in a vibrant Finale Day, showcasing sustainable business plans.  In just two weeks, we forged lifelong friendships and emerged as a community of young change-makers, ready to champion a sustainable future.

The following excerpts capture the heartfelt reflections from a love letter to the Earth, along with the inspiring thoughts of our girls, celebrating the bond we’ve formed with our planet.


Dear Earth,

“Why aren’t I doing anything about it?” I ask myself after seeing these people pour their hearts into sustainable projects. I’ve always thought that nothing I do could change the world – I mean, I’m just one person, after all. But I guess that’s what everyone thinks, right? If each of us starts with small changes in our lives, they’ll soon accumulate into big changes for the world…

Dear Earth,

Ever since I was born, I’ve never had the chance to connect with you. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to learn more about you through the forest walk and to appreciate your beauty. However, after all the company visits, I finally realized that you’re suffering, and the reason for your distress is us – human beings. We take all that you have done for granted and exploit you without a second thought. Is it right to allow you to spoil us like this?

Dear Earth,

Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, and I’m so grateful to have the chance to explore and connect with you more in the Netherlands. In those precious moments I spent with you, I’ve learned the art of slowing down and admiring the environment you’ve created. As I lie upon your soil and grass, surrounded by lush greenery, fragrant flowers, and animals, I feel a deep connection to nature. Your soft breeze and warm sunbeams embrace me, and I find peace in my heart. I believe that nature can heal everyone who experiences stress. Thank you for being our home that sustains us all


I’LL NEVER FORGET the time I discovered the power of just a bar of chocolate at Chocolatemakers. The company adopts green transportation methods, such as bicycling and shipping by wind. The factory also promotes fair trade by paying workers reasonable wages and treating female employees equally, contributing to the 12th Sustainable Development Goal. These practices inspire me to see that businesses need not pursue profit alone but can also prioritize sustainability. And, of course, the blind tasting of different chocolates offered me an opportunity to ‘feel’ the chocolate, rather than just eat it as usual.

Hannah Lam, 5C

I’LL NEVER FORGET the “Guided Nature Walk.” As I read it in my head while going over today’s schedule, I wasn’t looking forward to it at all. It sounded like one of those family hikes that I dreaded – except it wasn’t! From the start, the guide was extremely passionate about nature and shared so many fascinating facts about trees, fungi, mushrooms, and more. It felt like being in class with a teacher, but way more fun! I remember getting quite tired from walking uphill on sandy paths, but my spirits were lifted when I saw beautiful purple flowers in a small field of grass – with a bee on one of them! It made me realize how much more rewarding it feels to know you’ve worked hard for something. I thoroughly enjoyed the activity, and I’d do anything to go back and relive it!

Sofia Sit, 2C

I’LL NEVER FORGET the days we prepared and presented our business plan. Although it wasn’t the most exciting part of the 14 days, it was definitely the most memorable. I still recall the moment we began making the plan; we all felt tired and bored. Creating the theme board and script was particularly challenging, as it was difficult to come up with original ideas. Despite that, we managed to complete the presentation. On presentation day, we were all very nervous, worried that we wouldn’t be able to answer questions from our ‘opponents,’ but we gave it our best effort. Thankfully, it went smoother than expected, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. After the project and these 14 days, I not only learned about sustainability but also became more aware of sustainable practices in Hong Kong. Interestingly, I keep encountering things and businesses that claim to be sustainable. For me, ‘sustainability’ isn’t as boring as it sounds if you understand its true meaning and value.

Anna Au, 4C

I’LL NEVER FORGET the most meaningful activity I participated in: creating a ‘me-board’ and taking part in the little fashion show. I remember during the reflection time; the owner of the fashion store told us that “everyone is beautiful.” It may seem like a simple sentence to others, but it truly impressed me as it reminds me that each of us has our own beauty. Sometimes we focus on what others have, but we seldom recognize our own beauty and strengths. All the people I met in the Netherlands share a common trait: they know themselves well and have a clear understanding of what they truly want to do. Once they have a dream, they pursue it and work to achieve it. Considering how people in Hong Kong are often confined by various social standards and expectations, I’ve learned from the Dutch that it’s important to listen to my heart and find my own path. By taking the first step out of my comfort zone, I believe I’ll eventually see new opportunities. In my opinion, sustainability is about learning to admire the Earth, our society, and ourselves, while maintaining a balance between achieving our dreams, protecting the environment, and benefiting society.

Fiona Cheng, 4C


To conclude, the Camp in the Netherlands was an enriching adventure that went beyond learning about sustainability.  We grew personally, discovered new connections with nature and each other, and forged lasting friendships.  A huge THANK YOU to Eurolife for making this Camp a success!  The inspiration we gained will undoubtedly shape our futures and contribute to a more sustainable world.