150th Anniversary Celebration of True Light School

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In 1872, True Light Seminary, one of the pioneer women’s schools in South China, was founded by Ms. Harriet Noyes in Guangzhou. With the school motto “Thou Art the Light of the World” as the guiding principle, the True Light Schools strive to educate their daughters to understand the Christian doctrines and serve as the salt and light of the world.

With the help of GOD and the support from alumni, parents and many parties, True Light daughters are allowed to grow, learn and achieve their goals over the years. To commemorate the 150th founding anniversary of True Light, all four True Light secondary schools will hold a series of activities under the theme of “A Hundred Fifty Years of Propagating the TRUTH; in LIGHT We Nurture Talented Youths”.

Welcome to click the link below to browse the various school celebration activities.


蒙主帶領,亦受惠於校友、家長及各方友好的支持,讓真光女兒多年來得以適性發展, 成就理想。為慶祝真光創校150周年,真光四校以「真理傳承百五載、光前引路育英才」為主題,舉行一系列活動。歡迎按以下連結,瀏覽各樣校慶活動。

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