Dear Alumni and Friends of the True Light family,
We take great pleasure in inviting you to our forthcoming English Musical, an original piece of work specially written to celebrate the 153rd anniversary of True Light School and the 90th anniversary of our establishment in Hong Kong. The musical will be staged on Friday, 28th February and Saturday, 1st March 2025 at 7:30 pm at the Jockey Club Auditorium, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The Musical is a collaborative effort featuring students from our kindergarten, primary, and secondary sections to tell a story about ‘HOPE’:
- Hope is a PANACEA in times of adversity.
- Hope is the belief to CHANGE.
- Hope is the source of GRIT.
- Hope is TRIAL and ERROR.
We hope you can join us at this memorable event to witness the concerted effort of a pool of talents from frontstage to backstage, recounting the story of True Light, spreading the message of TLHK (Transform the World, Love thy Community, Honour our Sacrifice, Keep to Excellence), and most important of all honouring the grace of our Lord.
We are pleased to offer tickets for our upcoming performance at $450 and $350. Additionally, we invite you to consider our special Donation Sponsorship Packages:
- Seeds of Hope – $30,000 (Includes complimentary tickets for up to 10 seats)
- Dreams come True – $10,000 (Includes complimentary tickets for up to 4 seats)
- Hope in the Grit – $5,000 (Includes complimentary tickets for up to 2 seats)
All proceeds from these packages will contribute to the ongoing development of True Light, including our True Light Centenary Redevelopment Project. Your generous contribution will significantly enhance our educational environments, thereby ensuring a brighter future for every True Light student.
Our “Donation Sponsorship Package” not only offers priority seating and acknowledgment in our program but also includes exclusive musical souvenirs from the “Hope” series. Please note that donations of $100 or above are tax deductible.
To secure your reservation, we kindly request that you complete your ticket purchase by 10th February, 2025. You may do so by clicking on the following link: https://forms.gle/z3JffrLBNE4HxFNE6 or by completing the attached form and mailing it to the school.
The 90th Anniversary Musical marks our third original production celebrating the spirit of True Light. We invite you to enjoy this promotional video of the musical: https://youtu.be/2sWMjXl6iao
We sincerely hope you can join us in supporting this meaningful event and look forward to welcoming you.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Debbie Chan at the office at 2577 3368, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
- 希望是逆境中的甘露,滋潤我們心靈。
- 希望是帶來改變的信念,激勵我們前行。
- 希望是堅毅的源泉,賦予我們勇氣。
- 希望是試煉與失敗的力量,引導我們成長。
- Seeds of Hope – $30,000(惠贈最多10張門票)
- Dreams come True – $10,000(惠贈最多4張門票)
- Hope in the Grit– $5,000(惠贈最多2張門票)
凡購買捐款贊助套票者,將會在節目場刊的致謝頁列印芳名,並可享受優選座位及獲贈「希望」系列獨家音樂劇紀念品。捐款港幣100元或以上亦可憑收據申請稅項減免。您可以通過點擊以下連結購票 https://forms.gle/z3JffrLBNE4HxFNE6 填妥附上的表格後寄回學校。請務必於2025年2月10日或之前填妥表格並完成付款。
我們深深感謝您的支持,並期待在活動中見到您。如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間(上午8:30至下午4:30)致電陳秘書:2577 3368。
90th School Anniversary English Musical Order Form
- Order Donation Sponsorship Package 訂購捐款贊助套票
Amount 款項 |
Quantity of tickets 門票數目 |
Seed of Hope | $30,000 | 惠贈最多10張門票 Complimentary tickets for up to 10 seats 28/2 (7:30 PM) : ______ 1/3 (7:30 PM) : ______ |
Dreams come True | $10,000 | 惠贈最多4張門票 Complimentary tickets for up to 4 seats 28/2 (7:30 PM) : ______ 1/3 (7:30 PM) : ______ |
Hope in the Grit | $5,000 | 惠贈最多2張門票 Complimentary tickets for up to 2 seats 28/2 (7:30 PM) : ______ 1/3 (7:30 PM) : ______ |
- Order General Admission Tickets 訂購一般票價門票
Date日期 / Sessions 表演場次 |
Ticket Price (Please provide the number of tickets) 票價 (請填上訂購門票的數量) |
$450 | $350 | |
28th February (Friday) 2月28日(五) 7:30 PM |
1st March (Saturday) 3月1日(六) 7:30 PM |
Total amount ($) required for the ticket order 訂票所需的總金額 ($) |
- Payment method 付款方式
- Crossed cheque payable to ‘The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong‘.
Please write your name on the back.
劃線支票:抬頭「香港真光中學」,支票背面註明姓名。 - Bank Transfer:
- Crossed cheque payable to ‘The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong‘.
- Transfer payments to the school’s Hang Seng Bank account number 024-281-134817-001.
將捐款直接存入香港真光中學恒生銀行戶口024-281-134817-001 - Through Faster Payment System (FPS) using the recipient ID 111926911.
使用快速支付系統 (FPS),收款碼111926911,賬戶名稱為「香港真光中學」
- Transfer payments to the school’s Hang Seng Bank account number 024-281-134817-001.
- Personal Information 個人資料
- Full name in Chinese & English 中英文全名
______________________________ - Email 電郵地址 ___________________
- Mobile No. 手提電話號碼 ____________
- Should you have ordered a donation sponsorship package, we will issue receipts accordingly.
Kindly provide your mailing address to facilitate this process.
______________________________ - Donor Identity (Please choose one) 捐款人身份 (請揀選一項)
□ Alumni 校友
□ Former Staff 前任教職員
□ Friends of True Light 真光友好
- Full name in Chinese & English 中英文全名
Apart from being used for matters related to the musical, all personal data will not be used for any other purposes.
Please fill in the details above and mail the form, along with your cheque or the original transaction advice/pay-in slip, to “The True Light School of Hong Kong, 50 Tai Hang Road.” by 10th Feb. Thank you.