This year 8 girls from S4D joined the ORBIS Student Ambassador Fundraising Campaign in the light of paving a bright future for the visually impaired around the world.

Their first event was held on 18th February, 2022, our school’s Parents Day. With spirited enthusiasm and exuberant excitement in the team and tremendous support from our schoolmates, parents and teachers, they successfully held 3 activities, namely bookmark charity sale, photo-taking service and blindfold tasting challenge on this joyous day.

The highlight is the bookmark charity sale. The bookmark, which is designed as capturing a bird’s eye view of our school campus, shares a hidden meaning of hoping every one of us can appreciate the view of how others see the world. And, of course, pay more attention to the needs of the visually impaired.

Our first fundraising activity has come to a fruitful end. A heartfelt thank you to all schoolmates, parents and teachers who have shown support to make this meaningful event a tremendous success.