Our Speech Day 2022

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Despite the resurgence of the pandemic, the Speech Day and the Passing-on-the-light Ceremony were held on 25 June with great success, for which we are extremely grateful. On this special day, members of the Board of Trustees, teachers, parents and students gathered at the school hall to commemorate the achievements of this year’s graduates.

We are delighted to have invited Ms. Lee Shui Wai, Anthea as the guest of honour for the ceremony. She is the Chief Executive of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, as well as an alumna of True Light. In her address, she talked about how her alma mater nurtured her desire to serve the underprivileged. She shared with us stories of her upbringing in a grassroot family and her work in an NGO, reminding us that to give is better than to take. She also brought up her experience of helping her son explore different career pathways and encouraged parents to guide and support their children instead of restricting or controlling their choices. Later, she presented graduation certificates to our S6 graduates.

Principal Hui delivered a speech reviewing our school’s major concern, ‘Try all-IN, SET to shine’, as well as a wide variety of activities held during the school year. She also congratulated this year’s graduates for completing their secondary education despite the myriad of hardships they encountered, and doing so humbly, faithfully and patiently.

Lam Ching Chi and Tze Ying Lam gave votes of thanks on behalf of this year’s graduates. In their speeches, they recounted memories created in their secondary school years, made unique by the disruption of the pandemic. They also expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards True Light, as well as their teachers, parents and fellow graduates. Lam Ching Chi recalled the changes and constants she encountered throughout her secondary school life, while Tze Ying Lam reflected on the multiple meanings of the word ‘graduation’.

The Passing-on-the-light ceremony, a long-standing tradition of our school, was then held. The light delivering and light receiving were carried out by S5 and S6 students. S6 graduate representative Yeung Hiu Lam expressed her hope for her S5 sisters to be like the emblem of their house, the sunflower. She encouraged them to keep on stretching towards the light, and spread love, hope and warmth through their light. S5 representative Lee Abbie Norah praised her S6 sisters for marching on during such a difficult time, and promised to perpetuate the True Light Spirit, passing the light on and on.

Thanks to the Lord’s blessings, the Speech Day was held successfully on campus, serving as the perfect conclusion to our graduates’ secondary school years at True Light. We sincerely wish our graduates good luck as they step into a new chapter in their lives.

2021/22 6D Lam Ching Chi

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