English Week 2022
The theme of this year’s English Week is “A Musical Fair”. During the period of May 26-31, S1-S3 students went to the Tesseract to play 4 rounds of different games related to music.
One of the games was The Sound of Silence; a part of a song/video was played until it was paused where students had to guess the lyrics of the next line. While listening to the song, students couldn’t resist singing along to the songs being played. The fastest group to stand up at the same time was the group that got to earn a point by saying (or singing) the answer.
Another game that was played was Hearsay Lyrics; songs with commonly misheard lyrics were played for students to listen and guess what the incorrect word should be. Some students and teachers were amused by the fact that they’ve been singing the wrong lyrics all along before this game.
At the end of these musical activities, students had to complete a Song Review on Google Form. Different levels had to listen to one assigned song in order to complete the task. Students were asked to note down the genre and infer the message of the song. Staying true to our habit of making connections, they also had to read a few lines from the songs and make connections to their daily life with some elaboration.
On the final day of English Week, students from all levels had the opportunity to enjoy an extension of the games in the School Hall. None of the songs played in the Tesseract were repeated so all students had a fair shot at winning a prize in every round.