True Light Community Youth Club (CYC)’s provision of service-learning opportunities beyond the confines of the classroom serves the crucial purpose of nurturing students’ civic-mindedness and commitment to active engagement in community affairs.

This year, our CYC members participated in a wide range of services, including Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS) Territory-wide Flag Day, Qile Cake Charity Sale, Visit to Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters with the elderly and extending New Year’s greetings to them. These community engagements promote the development of empathy and compassion within the CYC members. As they witness the challenges faced by community members and observe the meaningful differences that civic groups can make, it inspires the CYC members to cultivate a sense of civic-mindedness and a desire to become caring, engaged citizens themselves. 

The Community Youth Club Wan Chai District Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony was held to recognize the excellent performance of the student members. Our CYC members achieved the Golden Award in the “Wan Chai District Theme-based Competition – Community Service”. Also, 5C  TSE YI CHING was selected as the “Outstanding CYC Member” and 3A LOK SAU HIM was selected by the District Executive Committee to join the “Outstanding Members’ Visit to Singapore” in the summer holidays.

Moreover, 9 students were awarded the Secondary School Level 2 (Orange Badge) in the CYC Member Merit Award Scheme for their active participation in social services and extra-curricular activities. Congratulations on their achievement!